Yeah yeah sure, but how did all this come about?

Based on geological data gathered by our very own Dahlia Research Institution, we know this land once held an active volcano that lay beneath a large mountain. Our predecessors lived inside the massive cavern in which the volcano protruded, using it as a source of light and warmth. They were called the Vol Solans, a term we have coined for them as there is no record of them giving themselves a name. Plus it sounds cool. Little is known about their customs as very few texts or artifacts have survived to this day.

It’s postulated that nearly a thousand years ago, the volcano that gave them life suddenly erupted, splitting the mountain above and decimating its citizens. Those who survived would have found themselves on newly exposed land surrounded by the very cliffs we see today: the remnants of their subterranean home. With little choice in the matter, they settled on this land and founded our town.

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