The river hit her like solid ground.

It even hurt like solid ground. In fact, when Lily felt around with her arms, it seemed to be exactly that: solid ground.

“Ow…” Lily opened her eyes to see Kat looking down at her. Her eyes were wide, almost terrified, like she was looking at a ghost. With some effort not to slip, Lily quickly stood up.

“What? What’s wrong?” She asked. Then she realized, she had stood up. She looked down at the river below, but only saw a large sheet of ice. Looking around, the river appeared to be frozen solid, with the ice still growing further.

“You…” Kat said, “you froze the river..?”

Lily stared back. “I froze the river? No, no, it must’ve… been a flash freeze?”

“I watched the whole thing. It started right when you hit the water, and– now, look!” Kat pointed downstream, “my hat stopped moving!”

Lily looked where she was pointing, and sure enough, there was the hat, resting motionless atop the ice.

The girl looked down at her hands, then back at the now frozen river. If she really did freeze the water, that could only mean one thing…

Take me home
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