Report: Case 10270-M

A partly redacted, singed piece of paper. The damage (indicated by ellipses) renders some words illegible. Seems like someone really didn't want this paper read.

Case 10270-M
Date: August 16t…

Incident: A double homicide has occured at the ██████ residency some time during the night of August 15th. Both victims were found dead at the scene.

Details of event: On August 16th, 5:04 A.M., a call was made to the station reporting two dead bodies. Upon arrival, the only people in the house were two children, Mint an…eldest of which made the call. Both siblings were unconscious. The corpses of Mr. and Mrs. ██████ were found on the floor in a large pool of blood, stabbed to death. Both the mother and father seemed to have died instantly. Signs of struggle were evident, with broken f…a lamp with its shade removed, as well as a large kitchen knife, the suspected murder weapon, which lay nearby…The elder child, Mint ██████ claimed eye-witness to the event.

After recovering for…e hospital, he agreed to be questioned. It was revealed that at around 11 P.M., █████████████████ broke into the ██████ residency. The witness entered the living room and saw his parents attempting to defend…om the intruders with a kitchen knife and a makeshift blunt wea…███████████████████████████. While attempting to defend his…was attacked and fell unconscious. When he awoke, he claimed, the culprits were nowhere to be found, and believes they fled the scene.

His sister, Willow, would not provide any details of the…cident. Both children will be granted room and board until further… (The rest of the page is burnt away.)

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