
It has been years. Many more than I would like to admit. However, a feeling has struck me once again, and I was instantly reminded of this journal I first started long ago. I have since taken general residence within the village, or rather within the tall woods beside it. To protect this book, I keep it within a wooden shed, previously inhabited by an old man who walked off one day and never returned. The tools inside are... occasionally useful.

I remember my venture to the meadow, the feeling of a brief connection within my vi, the energy that fuels the life of all living things. I feel it once again, except now it's more akin to a vine wrapping itself around the tree's bark, entangling itself in its branches.

I saw him, standing there. A connection stronger than I've ever felt before, as if a divine being has twisted our fates together. I know him. I've seen him before, and yet I never have. I now realize I've always felt his presence in the back of my mind. I also know if I were to rid him of this world, I could shift the connection onto you. Perhaps, with you Favored by a being like me, you would heal again.

I was going to. It would've been easy. But... that girl. As soon as he saw her, I felt it once more. The weakness. And so I fled. I feel it still as I write into this page beneath the wooden roof. I will not return to this place, and I am leaving this book with it. I no longer want anything to do with these letters.

Hazel, I will do whatever it takes to see you well again.

Take me home
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