"Yeah, I'm okay, I just have this weird sinking feeling, like I've.. been here... before...."

"Hm?" Lily looked away from her mirror at Lemon. Lily, even with her open mind, could not tell why this girl just said what she did. She did not ask if she's okay — not that she doesn't care about how her new friend feels, but, well, it's just an odd thing to blurt out at the moment. It seemed like Lemon felt the same way.

"Uh, I—I don't know why I said that..." Lemon whispered, avoiding eye contact.

The two girls stood in awkward silence.

After a pause that felt like three years, Lily decided to move on from it. She doesn't want this obviously shy and lonely girl to think she's ruined the conversation.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay!" she said with a smile in an attempt to cheer Lemon up. Time to change the conversation topic — ah, that's something. Lily nods to Tulip, who was still being hugged against Lemon's chest. "Who's your friend there?"

"...Oh," said Lemon, being knocked out of her awkward daze, "this... is Tulip! I made her too, I, um, she's my friend..." Lemon held Tulip out to Lily, who took it with great care.

"She's so soft and adorable! I love her little bow. So you made this barrette and Tulip? You're so talented Lemon!" Lily exclaimed, caressing the plushie's head and feeling its weight.

The yellow haired girl blushed deeply. No one's ever complimented her work before other than her own parents. To be fair, she's also never shown anyone before. After giving Tulip a quick hug, Lily handed the stuffed cat back to its owner.

"So, how'd you come up with her name?" Lily asked.

Lemon thought for a moment. "Well, I'm not really sure. It just came to me. They're not even my favorite flower or anything, I guess I just feel a special connection to—"

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