Lunch Time

Lately, Leonard has been inviting himself to eat lunch with me.

Perhaps he has some sick obsession with the food I consume. My daily routine of visiting the gas station on the way to school to retrieve my lunch has yet to be interrupted, but it is conceivable that he is unaware of where and when I obtain it. I will do my best not to reveal this information.

He is insistent on calling me “Lucy”, which he must know by now aggravates me to no end, so I have opted to refer to him as “Leonard”. I know it is not his actual name, as the class roster only says “Leon”. Though, it does not seem to frustrate him as “Lucy” frustrates me, so maybe this effort will be discontinued.

Nevertheless, today he offered to switch lunches. Without thinking much of it, I surrendered my hotdog, greens, and tap water to him in exchange for his sandwich and black coffee. An odd choice of beverage for a highschool lunch.

I was curious as to whether he would really consume the gas station meal, as I am quite aware of the notoriety of the food’s quality. After a moment, to my surprise, he devoured it in its entirety.

Taking note of this, I decided to sip the beverage he gave me. The coffee was oddly spicy. It burned a bit, which I did not mind. I have consumed some… quite spicy things in my time. Leonard’s— Leon’s goal in exchanging our meals is undetermined, but is indeed further evidence towards him having a wicked fascination with them.

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