In this moment, the assassin felt many emotions.

Relief? Sure. Guilt? Possibly. Pride? Of course, and plenty of it. He felt proud he could finally return to the Academy, looking his father in the eyes.

One thing he didn’t expect to feel, however, was how fluffy his victim’s blood was. In fact, it didn’t appear to be a liquid at all. This… cotton-like substance… piled up in his hand and fell onto the floor. He reached back into Lucille’s throat and felt around inside. Soft, dry, nothing like what the inside of a throat should feel like, at least according to what he learned in Dahlia Academy.

Curious, Leon reached for his phone and turned on his flashlight. He pointed it at the bed, revealing a familiarly pink pillow where Lucille’s head should be. Deep cuts were visible in the underside of the pillow, with white cotton strewn about the empty sleeping bag.

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